Hi everyone. If you are frequent to my blog, I am sorry for not posting anything new for some time. But that is about to change. Woolderness will have an official website before Christmas (I hope). It is in the making as I write.
I will be using this blog to show you items for sale as they become available. There will be some items on the website, i.e., felted sheep ornaments, sheep mugs, wool-wrapped soap, rag rug frames, and needle punch kits.
Speaking of RAG RUG frames, we are ready to ship them to you. I have been making a lot of rag rugs lately and have come up with some "fun" results. Not only can you make great hot pads, placemats and rugs (not to mention pillows, purses, & wall hangings), the frames double as a tapestry loom! What a deal!
Here are some new pictures of my frames -- 3 sizes for all your creative needs!